Reliquary "Ecce Homo and Tuta Pulchra"

RELIQUARY. In cut paper and glued on burgundy silk. One representing the face of Jesus Christ decorated with ecclesiastical symbols and captions: ECCE HOMO PASCHA NOSTRUM IMMOLATUS EST CHRISTU; one representing Our Lady with the Baby Jesus, both surrounded by the caption REFUGIUM PECCATORUM.ORA PRO NOBIS Stª. Maria, with decoration...
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RELIQUARY. In cut paper and glued on burgundy silk. One representing the face of Jesus Christ decorated with ecclesiastical symbols and captions: ECCE HOMO PASCHA NOSTRUM IMMOLATUS EST CHRISTU; one representing Our Lady with the Baby Jesus, both surrounded by the caption REFUGIUM PECCATORUM.ORA PRO NOBIS Stª. Maria, with decoration of ecclesiastical symbols and others, ending with the caption SANTA MARIA ORA PRO NOBIS - TOTA PULCHRA. (2) Framed. Worn, some loose letters on faded silk and small defects.
Approx. maximum dimensions: 32 x 25 cm.

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