Antique French Wooden Reliquaries "St. Clement Martyr and St. Ursula" and "St. Come (Cosmas) and St. Abacuc

Dark wood one Contains Relics from St. Clement Martyr and "De La Soc. ur St. Ursule".  "According to tradition, Clement was imprisoned under the Emperor Trajan; during this time he is recorded to have led a ministry among fellow prisoners. Thereafter he was executed by being tied to an anchor and...
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Dark wood one Contains Relics from St. Clement Martyr and "De La Soc. ur St. Ursule". 

"According to tradition, Clement was imprisoned under the Emperor Trajan; during this time he is recorded to have led a ministry among fellow prisoners. Thereafter he was executed by being tied to an anchor and thrown into the sea.[2] Clement is recognized as a saint in many Christian churches and is considered a patron saint of mariners." Wikipedia

"According to a legend that appeared in the tenth century, Ursula was the daughter of a Christian king in Britain and was granted a three year postponement of a marriage she did not wish, to a pagan prince. With ten ladies in waiting, each attended by a thousand maidens, she embarked on a voyage across the North sea, sailed up the Rhine to Basle, Switzerland, and then went to Rome. On their way back, they were all massacred by pagan Huns at Cologne in about 451 when Ursula refused to marry their chieftain." Catholic Organization


Clear wood one Contains Relics from St. Clement Martyr and St. Come (in French) (St. Cosme in Spanish) and (Cosmas in English)

"According to Christian tradition, Cosmas and Damian were educated in Syria and became distinguished physicians in Cilicia, where their charity converted many to Christianity. Because they refused payment for their services, they were called the “silverless ones.” Imprisoned during the persecution of Christians by the Roman emperor Diocletian, they were tortured and finally beheaded, their bodies being taken to Syria for burial. By the mid-5th century their cult had become so widespread that churches were erected in their honour in various Eastern cities, including Constantinople (now Istanbul)." Encyclopedia Britannica

Condition: Minor cracks (shown in the pictures) on the sandalwood, otherwise mint.

Provenance: Private Collection, NYC

Measurements:  1 1/2 in (4 cm) diameter 

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